Holi, the pious Hindu festival is around the corner, the festival of colors which is also one of the most vibrant days of the year is celebrated with much enthusiasm around the world.

The colors signifies vital importance to the festival, and all of us are here for it.
However, it is to be noted that many people use harmful chemicals to color your skin and hair, these harmful chemicals are extremely dangerous that sticks to the layers of your skin and scalp that results in breakouts, hair fall, rashes, itchiness, dryness, split ends and hair fizziness.
It is not possible to skip or avoid colors but we can follow precautionary measurements to stay aware and protect our manes.
Thus it is of utmost importance to give your hairs pre and post care to avoid hair related problems.
Here, I am going to provide you easy DIY to nourish your hairs pre and post-Holi celebration and simple tricks to save it while playing.
1. Nourish your hairs
Prepping your hair is a must before celebrating Holi by adding a layer of warm coconut oil mixed with jojoba and castor oil.

Simply by mixing warm coconut oil and add tea tree essential oil into it.

Oiling is the easiest hack to save your hairs, gently massage your hairs and scalp, tie them upwards or downwards in a bun or you may even braid.
A layer of oil on your hair and skin will prevent it from getting dry. So, do not forget this step be it for adults or kids.
2. Do not shampoo a day or two days before Holi
It is necessary to prevent natural oil i.e. sebum which usually gets washed away while shampooing with harsh chemical-based shampoos. Either use a mild shampoo before or skip it before Holi. It may act as a barrier as well. Your holi hair care regime will be much easier this way(ain’t it the laziest one too?)
Extensive shampoo will drain the moisture, keeping it moisturized on the day of holi is of utmost importance.
3. Tie/cover your hair
Cover or tie your manes with a headband or bandana to decrease the risk of surface exposure. Or you may wear fancy caps and sunglasses for your holi look.
You may also use a scarf to protect your hairs from harmful chemicals and also for a style statement 😉

4. Increase your water intake
Dehydration sucks away moisture out of your scalp, skin, and hairs. Sufficiently hydrated hairs in & out before exposure to harmful chemicals-based colors can prevent you from excessive dryness and vulnerability to damage.
Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated for your Holi hair care regime, check out here if you’re drinking water wrong(very important).
1. Shed off loose colors over your head before rinsing, and run off colors with plain water.
2. You should always wash off colored hairs with cold water and not hot. Avoid hair care mistakes.
The reason for using cold water is, warm water solidifies harmful chemicals into your hairs. Condition your hairs post shampoo.
3. Next day, apply fenugreek seeds soaked in water mixed with curd for 30 minutes to regain lost hair shine.
Apply plain curd preferably stored in copper utensil into your hairs to condition naturally.

4. Cut split ends as you may now know, synthetic colors can make your hairs drier, which makes them prone to split ends.
You may use organic brands like phool or from local shops that use organic ingredients to make Holi colors e.g. from beetroot, vegetables, and flowers.
While during the covid time, it is advisable to not gather in large groups, But you may celebrate holi within families. It is important to take precautions and help out your skin and hair before it cries for help. Holi hair care is a thing and you may need to follow the steps I have provided you.
Wish you and your family and friends a very happy Holi 🙂
(Bhawana Mehra)