Is honey good for hair? 4 DIY honey hair mask

You must have heard tales about how applying honey turns your hair white or grey! But using honey as a DIY honey hair mask(or as a base) can dramatically change your hair. Know-how, in this blog.


I am here to bust some myth and spill some straight-away truth about how honey is meant to be used when it comes to hair care regime.

1 tbsp. honey contains approximately 65 calories and 15 grams of sugar (fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose).

Organic Honey is an excellent moisturising agent which is loaded with glucose oxidase, amino acids, antioxidants and flavonoids.

The honey that I highly recommend(also not sponsored) is from DADEV. Most of the honey fails the NMR(nuclear magnetic resonance) test which defines the purity of honey, but ta-da it passes that, and it’s affordable!

I have provided the link that you can access by clicking on image.

click on image to add it to your amazon cart

Honey, the sweet thick syrup can be used in hair care routine through the following economical DIY honey hair masks:

DIY 1: Banana fusion Honey hair mask

honey banana hair mask


  1. Honey
  2. Banana
  3. Olive oil


  1. Peel a ripe banana and cut it into small pieces.
  2. Using a blending machine, grind the ripped banana into a liquid consistency.
  3. Add 2 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. organic honey into the mixture.
  4. Make sure it’s the same consistency and no lumps are present,
  5. Apply the mask covering the entire length of your hair.
  6. Leave it for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse with a mild shampoo

You can expect smooth itch free scalp and conditioned hair without any frizz trouble.

DIY 2: Aloe wonder honey hair mask

aloe honey hair mask


  1. Honey
  2. Aloe vera


  1. Extract a cup of aloe vera by slicing a leaf and grinding the inside pulp in the mixer.
  2. OR use 5 tbsp. organic aloe vera gel(the one I use is mentioned below).
  3. Add 1 tbsp. honey into the mixture.
  4. After mixing the ingredients thoroughly, apply to cover your entire mane.
  5. Rinse your hair with a mild shampoo after keeping it for an hour.

You can expect salon like smooth hair in the first wash itself from this hair mask! Recommended.

DIY 3: Curd honey hair mask

curd honey hair mask


  1. Honey
  2. Curd or yogurt
  3. Coconut oil


  1. In a cup of curd (without any sugar/salt), add 1 tbsp. extra virgin coconut oil.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. organic honey into the ingredients.
  3. Mix until it becomes a thick runny consistency,
  4. Apply the mask covering your entire hair including the roots.
  5. Keep it for 45 minutes and rinse with mild shampoo.

You can expect naturally conditioned, cleansed scalp and well moisturized hair.

DIY 4: Egg-Nama honey hair mask

Egg honey hair mask


  1. Honey
  2. Egg
  3. Coconut oil


  1. In the egg yolk(whisked), add 1-2 tbsp. extra virgin coconut oil.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. honey into the mixture and mix all the ingredients until it becomes a runny consistency.
  3. Like you oil your hair, apply this hair mask in the same manner covering your entire mane.
  4. Leave this for 20 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes.
  5. Rinse your hair with cold to normal water until and unless you want an omelette over your head(pun intended).
  6. Use a mild shampoo

You can expect you hair frizz free, strong hair, clean scalp and smooth feel.

If you have dry hair, you may use a honey hair mask multiple times a week, but if you have oily hair you must use it only once a week. Use wide-tooth neem or rosewood comb for frizz-free hair.

honey benefits

Benefits of honey for hair

1. Condition hair & Natural shine

The emollient and humectant properties of honey moisturise your hair by sealing it and smoothen your hair follicles by adding shine to the dull hair.

2. Reduces Frizz

Preventing external damages like sun, heat and dirt, honey helps in controlling frizz in your hair by smoothening them.

3. Healthy scalp

Honey can cleanse your scalp by removing buildup, dandruff and excess oil from the scalp. It also regulates the pH of hair.

4. Strengthen hair

It also prevents breakage of hair, honey works as a binding agent that means it is a good base for a hair mask. This way it also helps in hair growth.

5. Softens hair

Hydrating properties of honey improves the elasticity of hair, preventing your locks.

smooth u shape hair

So, all thanks to wonderful bees, they are the most important living entity in this world for human survival.

If you think that it whitens your hair, the answer is, honey is mixed with other ingredients to tone it down. Honey contains glucose and an enzyme which is called Glucose oxidase.

This enzyme breaks down the glucose and what left is hydrogen peroxide which bleaches melanin responsible for your black hair. 1 tbsp. in a hair mask is enough in any hair mask, it does good only!

The bottom line

Beware of adulterated honey, it has been seen most of the brands use rice and jaggery to sweeten it to increase the quantity to make a profit. Be sure it passes the test I have provided in the beginning.

Honey is an excellent ingredient for your hair. It is known to treat dull and fuzzy hair naturally, which you can take profit from. Retain your hair moisture and flip your hair confidently.

P.S. if your honey crystallizes in the winters, don’t worry it is because of the pollens present in it,

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